I-751- Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence

Understanding the I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence

The 1-751 form is an important one if you are in a situation where conditions have been placed on your residence in the United States. Using the 1-751, you can apply to remove these conditions and move forward with permanent resident status.

In particular, this form is for those whose residency in the United States was contingent upon their or a parent’s marriage to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. If the form is accepted, the petitioner has an opportunity to maintain residence outside of the original relationship.

What You Need to Know About Completing the I-751

When you fill out the I-751, you’ll be asked to provide details including your name, place of origin and marital status. If the marriage through which a petitioner gained conditional status has ended, the date of divorce or death must be included. Information about all children who also obtained conditional residence status as a result of the marriage must be provided as well.

It is possible to file the I-751 jointly with your spouse if you are still married.

Under certain conditions, you can file an I-751 without your spouse:

  • Your spouse passed away;
  • The marriage was terminated through divorce or annulment;
  • You have been physically abused or subject to cruelty by your spouse;
  • You obtained conditional status as a result of the marriage of one of your parents to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, but have been subject to extreme cruelty or physically abused by one or both parties to the marriage;
  • The termination of your status would result in extreme hardship.

In situations where your status was granted as a result of marriage, you must have consented to the marriage “in good faith.” This means, among other things, you did not pursue marriage in order to obtain a residency classification in the United States.

To find out more about the form and how to complete it, consult the instructions. Note that you must submit the form to the correct U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services office depending on where you reside in the United States.

A filing fee of $680, which includes an $85 biometric service fee, is also required.

Get I-751 Help from a Leading Los Angeles Immigration Attorney

At the Law Offices of Kate L. Raynor and Associates, we help prospective U.S. immigrants achieve their goals and protect their legal status in the United States. We offer free consultations, affordable prices and free payment plans that put world-class legal expertise within reach.

To find out more, contact us today.